🎙️🔬 Months ago my guy @blonju dropped a hoodie at rapseminar.com and we decided that anyone who copped would be entered into a raffle for a free lyrical analysis. Long story short the winner was @euphonicaspekt ‼️ He’s a dope emcee, a scholar at @pendulumink and a reviewer at @notyamanzofficial among other things. Follow him, listen to his music, and support 💯 Here are his #RapStats:
“Bleeding The Neon” by Euphonic Aspekt, prod. By @highsundaymusic
16 Bars
112 Words
87 Rhymes Total
5.4 AVG Rhymes Per Bar
77.6% Rhyme Percentage
10 End Rhymes
61 Internal Rhymes
15 Alliterations
3 Two Syllable Rhymes
2 Four Syllables
6 Five syllables
6 Six Syllable Rhymes
3 Undecuples
19 Allusions
9 Metaphors
3 Simles
33 imagistic words
7 Shadowboxes (Pendulum Ink Technique)
Contact me for your #RapStats today.
Yeah. I’ma need this Analysis for real 😂